The Republic of Serbia is number 1 globally for the third year in a row, as the country that creates most FDI jobs per million inhabitants, according to “IBM Global Location Trends 2019“, which is considered the most important measure of FDI performance.
Furthermore, based on job creation Serbia ranks and 5th in Europe and 12th globally in the overall ranking.
According to “IBM Global Location Trends 2019” report, Serbia also stands on the first position in the world as a country with the highest percentage of the export-oriented investment projects (91,2%), along with the rank number one for the number of newly created jobs through FDI projects initiated in 2018. in the electrical equipment sector.
Global trends, in general, show a decrease in the number of created jobs by 10% and, also 5% decrease when it comes to the number of investment projects. The share Europe has in the global statistics of newly created jobs in 2018 is just 34%.
„IBM Global Business Services“ for years now does a detailed analysis of the investment climate and projects all over the world, and also country by country reports, with a special focus on the number of newly created job criteria. The latest report is officially published on September 25, 2019.