Why Serbia?

RAS kroz Sektor za regionalni razvoj i regionalnu saradnju uspostavlja i održava saradnju sa subjektima regionalnog razvoja sa ciljem unapređenja lokalnog i regionalnog razvoja kroz jačanje međuinstitucionalne saradnje i kapaciteta kao bitnih faktora jačanja ukupnog privrednog razvoja.

Sektor za regionalni razvoj i regionalnu saradnju obavlja poslove akreditacija i obnove akreditacije regionalnih razvojnih agencija i vrednovanje rada akreditovanih regionalnih razvojnih agencija, kao poslove poverene zakono.

Pored toga, koordiniše rad mreže akreditovanih regionalnih razvojnih agencija, pruža stručnu pomoć i unapređuje kapaciteta akreditovanih regionalnih razvojnih agencija za obavljanje njihovih poslova koji se odnose na regionalni razvoj, predlaže projekte za unapređenje i razvoj poslovne infrastrukture na regionalnom i lokalnom nivou, realizuje programe i mere Ministarstva privrede i učestvuje u implementaciji projekata koji se finansiraju iz međunarodne razvojne pomoći.

Join the Pool of the Successful

Since year 2007, Serbia has attracted more than €29 billion of inward foreign direct investment.


Highly Qualified Labor

With a unique combination of high-quality, wide availability and cost effectiveness, the Serbian labor force is widely regarded as a strong business performance driver.


Competitive Operating Costs

Serbia`s favorable business environment features highly competitive tax rates and low operating costs.


Free Access to a Market of 1.1bn Consumers

Serbia can serve as a manufacturing hub for duty-free exports to a market of more than 1 billion people that includes the EU, the Russian Federation, USA, Kazakhstan, Turkey, SEE, EFTA and CEFTA countries, and Belarus.


Free Zones

You are welcome to use all the benefits that free zones in Serbia offer such as an exemption from the VAT for income generated through commercial activities.


Investment Incentives

To offset initial capital investments and ease the start-up of business endeavors, the Government of Serbia offers financial support for Greenfield and Brownfield projects in manufacturing, and the service sector which may be subject to international trade.


Optimal Geographic Location

Serbia’s treasured positioning in the heart of SEE makes it an outstanding investment location. Businesses based in Serbia are able to provide services and transport goods in projected and flexible time frames.


Political and Economic Stability

The Government of the Republic of Serbia is committed to continuously improve the business environment.
