Serbian Mentors Finish Training for Kaizen

May 25, 2018

BELGRADE – 28 May 2018 Certified mentors, representatives of 16 accredited regional agencies RDA) in Serbia, managed to successfully finish a three-day training in the field of Kaizen and on this occasion, recognitions were awarded to them at the Development Agency of Serbia (RAS).

The training was held by a Japanese consultant, Tadao Ishii, as part of the project ”Establishing and promoting mentooring services for the MMSEE in the Western Balkans countries, stage 2“ realised by the Development Agency of Serbia (RAS) with the support of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The mentoring process is developing according to the methodology of the Development Agency of Serbia, developed through a multi-year cooperation with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The mentoring service has also been enabled this year for micro, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs and cooperatives, for which a public call is open until 1 June of this year. The aforementioned services are implemented in accordance with the Programme of the Ministry of Economy – A standardised set for small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs in 2018, realised through accredited regional development agencies and related to professional monitoring of business development, as well as providing comprehensive and timely support to the beneficiaries.

You can find more information on the RAS website, as well as on the web pages of accredited regional development agencies.