

Oct 07, 2022


MTU Aero Engines today officially marks the beginning of activities in Nova Pazova, Serbia. Investment of €100 million will provide over 500 new jobs in the first phase, and 2.000 in total. 


Photo: Tanjug/Milos Milivojevic


MTU Aero Engines, a German aircraft engine manufacturer, today starts its operations in Serbia in its greenfield facility in Nova Pazova as MTU Maintenance Serbia. The first repair of aircraft parts in this 39.000m2-large facility is announced for December. 

The factory currently has 240 workers, which will rise gradually to 500 in the first phase and then to 2.000 in total.

Company officials, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and Government officials participated in the official opening of MTU Maintenance Serbia. 

Rainer Becker, CEO of MTU Maintenance Serbia, said at the opening that this is a great moment and it is his pleasure to celebrate together the opening of MTU Maintenance Serbia, the most modern engine repair facility in Europe.

"We started our journey in 2019, and I very well remember the moment when we visited this land here, without any industrial infrastructure, and no real roads and connections. But, we met the team from the local government and they told us what they have in the plan, and how to develop this region. And I remember very well Michael Schreyögg, our board member, said this is the place where we should stay. People were very convincing that everything will happen the way we had planned, and we believed, and as you can see it did, it happened the way they promised, thank you for that”, says Becker. 

 He emphasized how fast the decision was made and how quickly the project was implemented. As he said that was due to the terrific cooperation and support from the Serbian Government and team in the Development Agency of Serbia. 

“After the final decision we had time to prepare all necessary agreements and contracts, and again we were in contact with the highly dedicated team from the Development Agency of Serbia who gave us support in every step. In an incredibly short time, we have closed all questions and issues, and it was incredible that in 6 weeks we have finalized every contract needed to start with our work”, he says and adds that in 11 months the factory is constructed which makes it record for MTU Group that has not been done anytime or anywhere before. 


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Photo: Tanjug/Milos Milivojevic


Michael Schreyögg, CEO and Board member of MTU Aero Engines, said today is a milestone for the MTU Group, and the fact that the first repair is scheduled here in Nova Pazova for December is an incredible success in these unpredictable times. 

"Today we are witnessing the results of great work, passion, and a dedicated team. A major milestone in the expansion of our MTU network. When we started, we were looking for new locations in Europe to expand our maintenance network, and I was sure we had found the perfect place that met all our criteria and wishes. Here in Nova Pazora, we have invested in a location that is very good location regarding our logistical requirements. We received very professional support and we met new friends. You have welcomed us in Serbia with open arms and thank you very much for that", says Schreyögg.

He adds that engine maintenance is a key driver of their success, contributing almost 2/3 of the group's total revenue.

"This factory will offer the flexibility we need in these volatile times to strengthen our competitiveness on a global level. We need you, we need your energy to better respond to the demands of our customers in the future”, as he mentioned the world is changing, and Repair beats Replacement - repair contributes to savings in the aviation industry and to the sustainable development of business in the future. Mr. Schreyögg concluded by thanking everyone who was part of the realization of this project in Serbia and Germany.

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, emphasized the importance of today's opening and expressed his delight at the modernity of the facility. He says it took six years of work on this project. Moreover, President is convinced that when it comes to the aviation industry, this is a project that has a long-term future.

"Today is a big day for us. There is no more important news than this for Serbia", the President says the president. He adds: "MTU has a market in Serbia for the next 50-60 years and it will not go away from here. It is a great success that we achieved such close cooperation with them".


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Photo: Tanjug/Milos Milivojevic


He also pointed out that MTU, as well as other investors, will need special-skilled workers who are challenging to find, and that is the reason for Government to focus on dual education.

MTU is a leading engine manufacturer and one of the world's largest providers of aircraft engine maintenance services. About 30% of today's active aircraft in service worldwide have MTU components. In the commercial maintenance sector, the company ranks among the top three service providers for commercial aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines, according to the company.

MTU is also a technological leader in the field of low-pressure turbines, high-pressure compressors, and central turbine frames as well as manufacturing processes and repair techniques. Within its commercial OEM business, the company plays a key role in the development, production, and marketing of high-tech components together with international partners. Among other things, it designs, develops, manufactures, and supports engines for commercial and military aircraft. Besides that, MTU has a leading role in providing maintenance and service services for the V2500 engine, the engine found in the current Airbus A320 aircraft. In the military sector, MTU Aero Engines is the industry leader in Germany for virtually all engines used by the country's armed forces and aviation.

The company was founded in 1934 in Munich and is present in 15 countries around the world, including Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Poland, the USA, and Canada.



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Photo: Tanjug/Milos Milivojevic